Personal Coaching for Book Writers
Monthly coaching to help writers craft their best book
Get Started Today!
Want in-depth help with your novel, short stories, memoir, or nonfiction book? Whether you are just kicking around some ideas, have a rough first draft, or are struggling with plotting, a coaching package is the ticket.
Writing a novel or short stories is complex and requires a deep understanding of scene and novel structure. It always requires mastery in writing. Thousands of novels are published each day, but few are stellar and rise above the crowd. Writers today need to be experts at storytelling, and that takes time, practice, and intense instruction.
Writing a nonfiction book can be challenging! Whether you're working on a memoir, a self-help book, a travelogue, or any other nonfiction idea, you need to organize your creativity, know your market, and develop a great writing style and voice to engage readers. Platform is important, but without a great book, you won't get far.
I offer coaching as a monthly subscription, allowing you to jump in and out anytime. Unlike most coaching packages, which require you to pay huge sums up front for six months to a year (and which you might find, shortly into the program, that you don't want to continue), you can access my personal, professional help one month at a time, with no further commitment.
What's included?
- An initial one-hour phone consultation (value $150) the first month, then two half-hour phone consultations a month (every two weeks, you schedule at times that work for you).
- Up to 20 pages of material critiqued extensively each month (value between $200-$300). That can be scenes/chapters of your fiction or nonfiction manuscript, notes about your plot and/or characters, scene or chapter outline,* or anything else you want me to read and give you feedback on.
- A 20% discount on any editing or proofreading of any chapters of your novel while you are enrolled in coaching (normal rate: $80/hr). Also 20% off any additional pages you want critiqued that month (I charge $10/double-spaced page for critiques). Maximum number of pages per month: 50.
This is a real deal and so much more affordable than most coaching programs for writers. Take advantage of this offer, as a limited number of spaces will be available for coaching each month.
Having ongoing coaching as you plot and write your novel will give you accountability, inspiration, impetus, and encouragement to stay the course and get that novel finished!
*Outline pages count as 2 pages, as they are single-spaced (10 pages of outline = 20 pages of a double-spaced scene or chapter).
Your Instructor

C. S. Lakin is the award-winning author of thirty books and blogger at Live Write Thrive, a top-ten site for writers. She works as a book copyeditor and writing coach, specializing in manuscript critiques. Her writing craft book series The Writer's Toolbox teaches aspiring and experienced novelists how to write terrific stories. More than 5,000 writers have taken her online video courses over the last 10 years. She loves nothing more than to help writers craft stellar novels and experience success and joy in their writing journey.